Very unforgettable, kind of what you'd expect to see in a post-apocalyptic zombie novel that is NOT about the gore and the horror.

Great book, almost gave it 5 stars. Very unforgettable, kind of what you'd expect to see in a post-apocalyptic zombie novel that is NOT about the gore and the horror. I'm not going to summarise for you what the book is about; I suggest instead that you go read it for yourself in stead! :-)
One little thing irked me though, something that I found to be very unrealistic, and that's why I didn't give it 5 stars:
How can the main protagonist (and others) be driving around in cars more than 25 years after the apocalypse took place? Where do they get the gasoline from? Surely, in a real life situation where the unthinkable happens and where your supply chain gets cut, because people die and there's virtually no one to work on the oil rigs, distribution, etc., gas would run out relatively fast, wouldn't it? Surely people don't get around with cars more than 25 years after it happened? Surely the world would succumb to a more primitive stave of development? Yeah yeah, I know, zombies are not realistic either, why do I make an "issue" out of the continued use of gas when zombies don't exist in real life either, but you see, my point is that when you add a fantastical element (zombie) in a "real world" environment, you must make that world realistic and credible in order to make to book come to life and make it "real", at least that's how it works best for me.